Thursday, 24 November 2011

Car Booting!

We went to a few car boots sales at the weekend, the first I had been to in years. It was great fun and we picked up loads of little bits, which I thought I'd share with you here :)

Pretty plate! 50p!

 Babysham glasses (I had wanted some of these forever!) we got 2 in really good condition and a cherry b glass thrown in as well for £10

 Framed old guinness ad for my studio for £2

 Vintage badminton racquets which we will use when displaying our camper van £3

Deer ornament 50p :)

Hat for £1 

2 1950's kodak brownies 50p for the pair!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

The Matchbox Art Show

Enter the Clutter, is a Brighton based business dedicated to promoting new upcoming artists and reinvigorating the art scene within Brighton and Hove. And they have set up an exhibition that will be called The Matchbox Art Show. 50 artists were asked to create a piece of artwork in a matchbox, and here is mine. 
Based on one of my illustrations. I thought it would be great to have a little juggling monster called Barry in a matchbox that you could carry around in your pocket; always there to make you smile!
There are some really amazing contributions so far, I have been amazed by the amount of detail in some of them!
The exhibition will take place at Polish and Pin open house for the weekends of the 26-27th Nov and the 3-4th Dec. For more info click here

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Christmas paper toy template giveaway!

Ok not the most catchy of titles, but there you go!
Basically I have been running a giveaway on my facebook page where the next 10 likers, and anyone who shared the giveaway on their page, were emailed a link to PDFs of the paper toys I designed a while back.
Now I'm opening it up to you bloggers out there. If you comment on this link I will get in touch with you and email you the link :)

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Digital Artist issue 26 - Double Whammy!

I was lucky enough to get the chance to do another tutorial for Digital Artist, for the current issue. This brief was to create an illustration on Illustrator that had a watercolour feel. This was something I hadn't tried before, but I was more than happy to get my teeth stuck into it! It was really good fun to do.

Also, Robots and Rainbows (the company me and my husband collaborate on) got it's first bit of press in the same issue! :) 

Friday, 4 November 2011

Mixtape October

We did quite a simple mixtape for this months swap (the first for some months) It was partly simpler than normal as the one we were sent had some awesome songs on, but just came in a plastic sleeve, with the title scribbled on the front. However, I think the simplicity works. All the songs mention other musicians in the lyrics.